Home Diabeetilised toitumisrežiimid

Diabeetilised toitumisrežiimid

Dyrenium should be used with caution in patients with histories of renal stones. Laboratory Tests. Hyperkalemia will rarely occur in patients with adequate urinary output, but it is a possibility if large doses are used for considerable periods of time. If hyperkalemia is observed, Dyrenium (triamterene) should be withdrawn.

Diabeet mellitus 2 kraadi kui ravida


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Note: Insulin detemir is a long-acting insulin administered by SubQ injection. When compared to insulin NPH, insulin detemir has slower, more prolonged absorption; duration of activity is dose-dependent. Insulin detemir may be given once or twice daily when used as the basal insulin component of therapy.
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Insulin detemir comes as a solution (liquid) to inject subcutaneously (under the skin). It is usually injected once a day, with the evening meal or at bedtime.Sometimes insulin detemir may be injected twice a day, in the morning before breakfast and in the evening with the evening meal or at bedtime about 12 hours later.

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