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Abstract. This paper is about sexual concurrency, or maintaining multiple sexual partnerships that overlap in time. Sexual concurrency is a concept that is used in the field of public health to explain the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.Abstract. Silicosis is the most common occupational lung disease in Egypt where its prevalence rate ranges from 18.5 % to 45.8% among workers exposed to free crystalline silica.
Traditsiooniline diabeedi ravimine alternatiivmeditsiinis
tekkeks (eriti labiilse insuliinist sõltuva diabeediga patsientidel), kuna beetablokaatorid võivad maskeerida ägeda hüpoglükeemia sümptomeid. Türeotoksikoos.AbstractThis paper estimates the effect of early exposure to toxic waste on academic achievement. We analyze longitudinal information from individuals attending primary and secondary schools in Arica (northern Chile).
Some more links:-> Diabeetilised Medtronic pumbad
PDF | This paper traces the development of phenomenology as a philosophy originating from the writings of Husserl to its use in phenomenological research and theory development in nursing.A highly efficient construction of the benzene ring in carbazoles by palladium-catalyzed endo-mode oxidative cyclization of 3-(3‘-alkenyl)indoles was developed. The reaction utilizes benzoquinone as the stoichiometric oxidant and is conducted under mild conditions.
-> Diabeet kui geneetiline haigus
Table 1 also shows estimates of the effect of a one-unit increase in the 11-point scale of left–right orientation on the probability of supporting redistribution. In the standard probit models, I find highly significant positive effects of left–right orientation in all three countries (the effect is 178 for Sweden; 086 for Germany; and 176 for Norway).Alajäsemete neuropaatia on kollektiivne mõiste, mis tähendab, et jalgade perifeerses närvisüsteemis esineb probleeme. Kollektiivne, kuna termin ei kajasta mitte üht haigust, vaid probleemi kui terviku olemust.
-> Suurenenud insuliin ja veresuhkur, mida teha
Abstract. Tissue Doppler echocardiography (TDE) is used in the assessment of diastolic function, however, it is unclear whether the medial ( E ′ med) or lateral ( E ′ lat) annulus should.Effective strategies for nurse retention in acute hospitals: A mixed method study Article in International journal of nursing studies 50(2) · December 2011 with 349 Reads.
-> Diabeediga aitab karitsa
Omadused vanus diabeedi tekkimist (juveniilne või täiskasvanute diabeet) ja ravi tüübist (insuliinist sõltuva või insuliinsõltumatu suhkurtõve) ei ole piisavad, kuna ristumiskohas vanusegruppide ja ravi mõlemat tüüpi haigus.Agronomy Journal Abstract - NITROGEN MANAGEMENT Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Cereal Grain Production with Optical Sensing and Variable Rate Application.
-> Kui teil on diabeet, mida teha
Seega on insuliinist sõltuva tüübi diabeedi korral suurenenud ketooni kehade sisaldus uriinis, mis näitab, et keha on joobes. Insuliinsõltumatu tüüpi haiguse korral tekib patsiendil kuseteede haigused. Kõik see nõuab haiguse hoolikat kontrolli ja sobivat.Abstract. Tissue Doppler echocardiography (TDE) is used in the assessment of diastolic function, however, it is unclear whether the medial ( E ′ med) or lateral ( E ′ lat) annulus should.
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